by Jacob Lilley | Jul 3, 2020 | Blog, Mortgage Rates
This week’s economic data included the biggest-ever gain in Pending Home Sales, a leading indicator for the housing market. Meanwhile, mortgage rates pushed down to new all-time lows yet again. But at what cost? The most pessimistic way to explain the surge in... by Jacob Lilley | Jun 26, 2020 | Blog, Mortgage Rates
The fates of the economy, the housing market, and interest rates remain closely intertwined with coronavirus. The pandemic is clearly responsible for the record-setting drop in economic activity (including the housing market). And it has clearly been the key source... by Jacob Lilley | Jun 19, 2020 | Blog, Mortgage Rates
Coronavirus hit markets with unprecedented force in March. Stock prices and bond yields sank. When the outlook grew less dire, markets began moving back in the other direction. As quarantine measures ease, fear surrounding a second wave of COVID-19 is pushing... by Jacob Lilley | Jun 12, 2020 | Blog, Mortgage Rates
Mortgage rates plunged well into new all-time lows this week, which is a striking turn of events given the vastly different outlook at the end of last week. Specifically, a series of strong economic reports led to significant losses in the bond market (bond losses =... by Jacob Lilley | Jun 5, 2020 | Blog, Mortgage Rates
Things are quickly getting interesting for mortgage rates, and by ‘interesting,’ I mean potentially alarming. Everything’s relative though, so it should be said right up front that the average mortgage rate is still only a hop and a skip from the...